Recurrent Corneal Erosion
Recurrent corneal erosion is a condition affecting the outermost layer of corneal cells called the epithelium. The problem is caused when the bottom layer of epithelial cells adhere poorly to the cornea, causing them to slough off easily. The pain and discomfort is often quite intense, and similar to a corneal abrasion. There is usually an underlying disorder that causes recurrent corneal erosions to occur. The most common are: previous corneal injury (corneal abrasion), corneal dystrophy (Map Dot Fingerprint Dystrophy), or corneal disease resulting in recurrent breakdown of the epithelial cells.

Upon awakening, patients often experience severe pain, blurred vision, and light sensitivity when the eyelid pulls the loosened epithelial cells off the cornea. After the cornea heals, the problem recurs as the name implies unless the condition is treated. Recurrent corneal erosion may affect one or both eyes, depending on the underlying cause.

Signs and Symptoms

• Severe pain ( after awakening)
• Blurred vision
• Foreign body sensation
• Dryness and irritation
• Tearing
• Red eye
• Light sensitivity

Using a slit lamp microscope, the doctor examines the corneal layers under high magnification. Eye drops containing green dye called fluorescein are usually instilled to stain the areas of missing epithelium, allowing the doctor to evaluate the size and depth of the erosion.

Salt solution drops or ointment are usually prescribed as the first line of treatment. This medication helps the epithelium to adhere better to Bowman's layer of the cornea. Artificial tears are also recommended to keep the cornea moist.

Those with underlying corneal dystrophy may require additional treatment. This usually includes an in-office procedure where the epithelium is either gently removed, or microscopic "spot welds" are made on the cornea to encourage the epithelial to bond securely to Bowman's layer underneath.

Patients who continue to suffer from recurrent corneal erosions despite the treatments described, may benefit from phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK). This involves removal of the superficial layer of corneal cells using the Excimer laser to encourage proper healing.

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Advanced Eye Care in Lake Geneva Wisconsin
Dr. Inger Gibson and her experienced, caring eye staff provide personalized 'One-on-One' eye care. Advanced Eye Care has earned their reputations of providing the finest in eye healthcare, eyewear and contact lenses.

We will make every effort to take a complete approach to your eye care. This means that we will take the time to not only understand your eye health and visual needs, but your general health, lifestyle, and dietary habits as well. This is somewhat rare in health care today, but we think you will find it to be a refreshing change.

Seeing 20/20 doesn't necessarily mean your eyes are healthy. Many eye problems can only be detected during a thorough eye exam. Our eye doctor uses the latest innovative diagnostic equipment to detect even the smallest changes in your vision and eye health. We will evaluate your risk factors for diseases of the eye. It's important to know that diseases of the eye can also be an indicator of general health issues.

Schedule your Eye health and Vision appointment today with our experienced eye care providers at Advanced Eye Care in Lake Geneva and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves!

Advanced Eyecare & Contact Lens Center LLC 154 E Geneva Square Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Phone: (262) 249-1000 Fax: (262) 249-1255

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