Floaters & Flashes

As we get older we expect to have  problems with our eyes, so we tend to ignore them.

One minor symptom that can cause a bigger problem, if not treated, is the occurrence of floaters and flashes. These are those tiny lights that seem to blink through your vision and that you can never catch when you direct your focus toward them.

Almost everyone sees floaters at some time, but they can occur more frequently and become more noticeable as we get older.

Floaters caused by posterior vitreous detachment are more common in people who:
• Are nearsighted
• Have undergone cataract surgery
• Have had certain types of laser surgery
• Have had inflammation of the eye

Because floaters or flashes can be an indication of a serious problem, you should contact our doctor when:
• You see floaters for the first time
• You notice an increase in the number or size of floaters
• You experience the sudden onset of flashes

In most cases no serious problems are found, but a complete eye examination is important. If there is damage to the retina, it needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately to prevent vision loss.

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Advanced Eye care and Contact Lenses

There is $30 fee for no-show or no-call appointments and cancelations less than 48 hours in advance.
MON 10 - 5:00 By Appt Only
TUE 10 - 5:30 By Appt Only
WED Closed
THU 10 - 5:30 By Appt Only
FRI Closed
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SUN Closed

Ready for the next step?  REQUEST YOUR EYE HEALTH

Advanced Eye Care in Lake Geneva Wisconsin
Dr. Inger Gibson and her experienced, caring eye staff provide personalized 'One-on-One' eye care. Advanced Eye Care has earned their reputations of providing the finest in eye healthcare, eyewear and contact lenses.

We will make every effort to take a complete approach to your eye care. This means that we will take the time to not only understand your eye health and visual needs, but your general health, lifestyle, and dietary habits as well. This is somewhat rare in health care today, but we think you will find it to be a refreshing change.

Seeing 20/20 doesn't necessarily mean your eyes are healthy. Many eye problems can only be detected during a thorough eye exam. Our eye doctor uses the latest innovative diagnostic equipment to detect even the smallest changes in your vision and eye health. We will evaluate your risk factors for diseases of the eye. It's important to know that diseases of the eye can also be an indicator of general health issues.

Schedule your Eye health and Vision appointment today with our experienced eye care providers at Advanced Eye Care in Lake Geneva and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves!

Advanced Eyecare & Contact Lens Center LLC 154 E Geneva Square Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Phone: (262) 249-1000 Fax: (262) 249-1255

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